Type: Novel Translation
Back Stage!!
Series: Love Stage!!
Author/Circle: Eiki Eiki, Amano Kazuki
Rating: G
Language: English
This time: By a stroke of luck, an opportunity to work with Ichijou Ryouma comes to the Sena family. However, the conditions are such that it might not be possible…
Notes: I apologize for the wait! Hopefully with the holidays out of the way, I’ll be able to post these novel translations a bit more frequently.

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Type: Novel Summary
Back Stage!!
Series: Love Stage!!
Author/Circle: Eiki Eiki, Amano Kazuki
Rating: Rish (amazingly enough, no outright porn this time XD)
Language: English
This time: Rei makes a difficult choice–and Shougo comes to a realization.

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Type: Novel Summary
Back Stage!!
Series: Love Stage!!
Author/Circle: Eiki Eiki, Amano Kazuki
Rating: NC-17
Language: English
This time: MORE PORN! It’s like this pairing makes up for all the porn missing from Love Stage so far XD; Also, this is the next to last chapter available. We’ll finish up with it tomorrow and then start posting some manga porn for them! :D

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Type: Novel Summary
Back Stage!!
Series: Love Stage!!
Author/Circle: Eiki Eiki, Amano Kazuki
Rating: NC-17
Language: English
This time: Rei deals with his growing feelings for Seiya…and meets someone who knows just how to help him ‘deal’ with those feelings. (I feel like I’ve done nothing but post porn today XD;)

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Type: Novel Summary
Back Stage!!
Series: Love Stage!!
Author/Circle: Eiki Eiki, Amano Kazuki
Rating: PG
Language: English
This time: We learn how Rei got involved with the Sena family, going back 10 years to when Rei was 18 years old. (these chapters are kind of long, so I’ll be splitting them up)

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Type: Novel Summary
Back Stage!!
Series: Love Stage!!
Author/Circle: Eiki Eiki, Amano Kazuki
Rating: NC-17 (porn!)
Language: English
This time: This is the first of several SUMMARIES of the Back Stage novels, which follow Sena Shougo and Sagara Rei. While we previously had mentioned we would only be providing these summaries, one of our translators has agreed to take on the task of translating the chapters word-for-word, as with the Yokozawa no Baai novel, so look forward to that :) For now, though, everyone gets a crash course in Back Stage!! to bring you up to speed and help make our upcoming releases easier to understand ^^ This is the first of at least three chapters (more if we can track down the magazines).

In case you missed the rating above, this summary does include descriptions of explicit porn, so proceed with caution ;) (or wild abandon, your choice)

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